By Maxie Heppell
“After spending months studying Galatians, I am humbled and challenged.
Humbled, because I don’t think God is too impressed with our ministries,
no matter how impressed men may be.
Challenged, because I myself need to start living deeper and ministering deeper.
I need to dare to let the Holy Spirit have His way,
whether my life or ministry fits the current pattern or not.”
Warren Wiersbe
“I dare You”, says the Lord.
When I allow the Holy Spirit to work out His will both in me and through me, some things don’t make sense, the Law-touting stirs up again and a familiar cloud of condemnation comes and settles over my shoulders.
Then, through the darkness, I hear:
“The Law controlled us and kept us under its power until the time came
when we would have faith.
In fact, the Law was to be our teacher until Christ came.
Then we could have faith and be acceptable to God.
But once a person has learned to have faith,
there is no more need to have the Law as a teacher.”
Gal 3:23 CEV
That soft voice that lingers when you step out of line, or that gently reminds you of a promise and lovingly leads you to a place of peace… that is the voice of the One that brings life.
It reaches deep and changes the inside of you.
The Law on the other hand, is cold and uncaring and its lessons only reaches head height. The damnation it brings leads to death and there is no hope of everlasting life.
It merely reshapes the surface.
But then Jesus came.
“The Law says do!
Grace says done!”
May the One who has full control of my heart show me the foolishness of a Law chasing existence where I can measure how ‘good’ I am.
By grace alone.
Everything else should merely be the offspring of thankfulness.
Your inspiration for the week: Pride of a father
Feel free to visit Maxie’s blog Genade is ’n dag lank
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