Nature’s Corner – Elephants at the Middelvlei Waterhole

| By Alana Bailey


Elephants at the Middelvlei Waterhole, south of Mopani Rest Camp in the Kruger National Park, compete for water.

The grey-green shrub in the foreground is the Pechuel-Loeschea leubnitziae, known as the stinkbush, bitterbos or even wild sage. It is native to South Africa and Namibia and is part of the sunflower family. In the Kruger National Park, this strongly aromatic shrub is sometimes called the zebra sweatbush. It grows to a height of 1.3 meters and its smell resembles that of wild asparagus.

The footage has once again been provided by Katie and André of Two-V Productions. We thank them for their great videos. Please subscribe to their YouTube channel and follow their Facebook page. Books in their Op Vlerke series can be ordered from Kraal Uitgewers. Number four in the series will be available soon. The books are published in Afrikaans only.


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