“They/Them” nearest to us

| By Maxie Heppell


Friday was another road day, and I’ve heard so much that I want to remember. Among others, the following:

One of the most amazing things to see is how God changes your mind.

Tony Evans

Part of growing up is thinking bigger, dreaming broader – and there is nothing wrong with that. But as I get older, I want to think smaller, have closer friendships rather than more, do small things with great care rather than diligently ticking off my to-do list.

Did Jesus perhaps try to teach the disciples an inkling of this in Matthew 10:8 (The Message):

Don’t start by traveling to some far-off place to convert unbelievers. And don’t try to be dramatic by tackling some public enemy. Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighbourhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here.

Go to the lost, confused people.

Tell them that they have a home, that their questions are finally answered.

I do not have to know everything; I only have to show them the way.

And yes, there are other lost and confused people many thousands of miles away from me.

But the disciples around them received the same message.

If all of us only find and encourage the lost and confused people nearest to us, the good news will spread like thousands of droplets of hope until their swells overlap and everyone finally shares one great truth.

James reminds us that we may ask the Lord for wisdom. It’s such a daily comfort to know that. If I don’t know who the lost are or how to start a conversation with them, I may ask. And He will help me – without making fun of me.

When the confusion of the confused confuses my own brain to the extent that I am no longer sure what is true, I may ask the Lord for wisdom. And He will answer me.

He can’t wait to be good to us; likewise, He can’t wait to be good to the lost and confused:

But God’s not finished.

He’s waiting around to be gracious to you.

Isaiah 30:18 (The Message)

And He is good to them through us.

We show “them” nearest to us His goodness.

Your inspiration for the week: The reason

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