AfriForum launches attack against cadre deployment
The civil rights organisation AfriForum filed court papers to enter the Democratic Alliance’s (DA) case against cadre deployment. According to AfriForum, there are several legal grounds why cadre deployment should be prohibited by the court.
In the first place, AfriForum argues that the ANC’s policy of cadre deployment constitutes discrimination based on political affiliation. In other words, employment opportunities are limited in a discriminatory manner in the public administration sector for those who are not ANC members and do not qualify for cadre deployment. AfriForum secondly regards cadre deployment as unconstitutional and contradictory to the rule of law. AfriForum thirdly highlights the abuse of cadre deployment and the catastrophic consequences thereof that gave way to the deterioration of legal institutions across the country. AfriForum’s involvement in this case against cadre deployment is therefore about the principle that political parties should be prohibited to use state power to be discriminative and destructive when they come to power.
“AfriForum stands for a society free from any form of discrimination and in which the rule of law is respected. Therefore, AfriForum had to act against the ANC government’s discriminative, destructive, and unlawful implementation of cadre deployment. If cadre deployment is banned by the court, it will play a huge role in curbing the decay of government institutions and preventing discrimination against members of the public,” says Reiner Duvenage, Campaign Officer for Strategy and Content at AfriForum.
No more jobs for pals: AfriForum in court over cadre deployment