All you need to know about South African passports

| By AfriForum Wêreldwyd


By Breytenbachs Immigration Consultants

Breytenbachs Immigration Consultants receive many queries from South Africans on passports. Our SA immigration consultants have subsequently drafted a FAQ guide for South Africans on this issue. If you need more information, please feel free to get in touch with AfriForum Worldwide or Breytenbachs.

Can I apply for my new SA passport abroad?

It is possible to apply for your passport overseas. You can do this at the nearest SA representative offices overseas. In the UK, it can be done through the VFS offices.

Applicants will need to provide the relevant documents, e.g., birth/marriage certificate and provide the retention letter if they hold other citizenships.

Do I need to use my SA passport to enter and exit South Africa?

The South African Citizenship Act dictates that any person who has the right to make use of a SA Travel Document (passport) must enter and leave South Africa with their SA passport. If you fail to do so, it can be seen as a punishable offence.

Travellers with dual citizenship (SA and UK) must travel with both passports, as they must enter the UK with their UK passport, as proof of their right to enter the UK.

What are the criteria for applying for a new SA passport?

Applicants will need to provide the relevant documents, e.g., birth/marriage certificate and provide the retention letter if they hold other citizenships.

Can I renew my SA passport?

One does not actually “renew” a SA passport. Once the validity expires, you must apply for a new passport.

The SA authorities state that your passport must be valid for at least 30 days after the intended departure date. The passport should also have at least two blank pages for entry stamps. The empty pages exclude the endorsement pages.

However, it is important to note that some countries require your passport to be valid for three or six months past your intended travel date. As this requirement differs from country to country, we strongly advise that you speak to your travel agent or airline for advice.

Can I apply for a passport with more pages?

A regular SA passport contains 32 pages. However, frequent travellers can apply for a maxi passport with 48 pages. 

Can someone collect my SA passport for me?

Third parties may not collect an SA passport on someone’s behalf. It is also not possible to courier a passport overseas to an applicant. The SA authorities introduced this rule in 2022 to combat fraud on SA passports.

In the case of minor children, the parents or guardians who applied for the passport will be the only ones allowed to come and collect the passport using their fingerprints.

How Breytenbachs can help you

If you have any specific questions about SA citizenship or dual citizenship, please feel free to get in touch with us. Note, however, that we cannot help you apply for your SA passport, but we should be able to advise on SA passport queries.

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