What do an eastern blackheaded oriole, two dancing red-winged starlings (the female is the one with the ash-grey head and upper breast) and a tree squirrel have in common?
Answer: They love the nectar in aloe flowers!
Two-V Productions’ André and Kate watched their festivities at the Olifants Rest Camp in the Kruger National Park.
Just listen to the soft “tjerleeeeoo, tjerleeeeoo, tjerleeeeoo” call of the starlings. These and all other sounds you hear in André and Kate’s videos, are the original sounds. Subscribe to their YouTube channel, Two-V Productions, and like their Facebook page please. Books in their Op Vlerke series can be ordered from Kraal Uitgewers. It can also be found at the shops in rest camps of the Kruger National Park. Please note that the books are only available in Afrikaans.
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