We get creative with an English-language guide to upcycling pallets, get serious with a novel about the silences that replace love in a marriage, cook from a fresh, inspired cookbook and then we introduce a debut writer of youth novels. Have fun! There is a lot more.
Die einde van die storie
Santie van der Merwe
ISBN: 9780799385694
After twenty-eight years of marriage Lizzie has the courage to say that love has been replaced by silence in their relationship. Now what? More silence from hubby?
Marilyn kuier en kook
Marilyn Gantana
ISBN: 9780799382846
The young rebel, Marilyn Gantana, married a clergyman and was sent to the remote, rural town of Loeriesfontein. There she learned to use all the food skills her mother had taught her and the new skills she had managed to learn from the sisters in the congregation.
Upcycling: Pallets
Jason Kobrowisky
ISBN: 9780799384659
This book offers 33 DIY pallet items in which the humble pallet is transformed into affordable, practical and eco-friendly furniture, decor, toys, garden products and gifts. Upcycling is the term that is used for the creative recycling of discarded materials or unusable or unwanted items to create new products.
The book is packed with full-colour photos and easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions – from how to dismantle the raw pallet to planning and building your own projects, and paint techniques for finishing off your products. The difficulty of the projects varies, so the book is ideal for beginner crafters and DIY enthusiasts with more advanced skills. Some of the projects include: a wine rack, garden-tool rack, coffee table, easy chair, trousseau chest, book case, vegetable rack, photo frame, planters, toy kitchen, a toy trolley and a playhouse. It is a great book for entrepreneurs who want to earn money from manufacturing pallet products.
Jason Kobrowisky is an experienced furniture designer and carpenter who owns a furniture factory in Johannesburg. Wood, and especially reclaiming wood, lies close to his heart. He is very fond of creating something beautiful from discarded wood. He has a modern approach to furniture and décor, using affordable materials.
Dagboek sonder grense
ISBN: 9780799384567
This wonderful year planner is beautiful and practical. It is not year-specific.
50 Blaaskansblokraaie 10
ISBN: 9780799382891
Take a break. Take a pencil. Relax with our fabulous word puzzles!
For the younger readers
Annabel Allers
Ouderdom: 13+
ISBN: 9780799383829
A wickedly funny youth novel about love and on-line dating.
Die leeutemmer se assistant
Solet Scheeres
Illustrasies: Marjorie van Heerden
Ouderdom: 9+
ISBN: 9780799379143
When a dirt-poor girl from Mafikeng jumps onto the circus train, her life changes forever. This lovely story draws on the adventures of the real-life Pagel’s Circus, a Southern African Institution during the previous century.
Daar’s nie ’n krokodil in hierdie boek nie
Jaco Jacobs
Illustrasies: Chris Venter
ISBN: 9780799383836
The text tells the young ones that there is NO crocodile in this book. Little fingers will, however, have loads of fun pointing out the opposite!
Hoezit 13: Die wonderwêreld van seelewe
Jaco Jacobs en Fanie Viljoen
ISBN: 9780799383645
Discover the fascinating world of sea creatures in this full-colour publication.
Robyn se ongetemde man
Dina Botha
ISBN: 9780799385663
Connor walks into her office and pushes at the door to her heart. The problem is, Connor is a threat for her father’s business empire.
Hart van ’n man
Madelein Stoltz
ISBN: 9780799385632
Kiara knows fairy tales don’t exist. Her father taught her that lesson. This is why she avoids men like Liam – who promises “forever”. However her heart disagrees, when Liam stirs unknown yearnings in it.
Held in ’n voorskoot
Madelie Human
ISBN: 9780799385540
The voice of Ron, the presenter of a classical-music radio station, is like music to Kate’s ears. When she meets him in person, she realises she is intrigued by more than just his voice.
Wilreza Smit-Theron
ISBN: 9780799385571
Kira meets him in the heart if the Kgalagadi – Melt, the meteorologist with the golden hair and eyes of a lion. Will this ‘rainmaker’ help curb the drought in her heart, she wonders?
Tussen seisoene
Karen de Villiers
ISBN: 9780799385601
The arrival of the regional head Rheeder only causes problems for Lente. From the first moment they just can’t seem to get along and he has a problem with everything she does. Is he merely stubborn and troublesome, or is there a deeper reason for his actions?
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