While December is a cheerful time during which we excitedly look forward to a sea or bush holiday and children’s Christmas wish lists, this time of year is also a time of nostalgia and missing loved ones abroad. During Christmas time we always think about children and grandchildren or brothers and sisters who are celebrating the festive season on their own on the other side of the world. This week we chat with Hananja Liebenberg to find out how they will be celebrating Christmas in Ireland.
Are there interesting Christmas customs and traditions?
Christmas is usually a very jolly time. It starts to get really cold, and people decorate their houses beautifully. They put a lot of effort into decorating their homes. It is kind of a tradition for Irish people that the Christmas season only really kicks off after The late late toy show has aired. It is a show watched by children that showcases all the latest and interesting toys that are available that year. It is presented as a show and there are various charities that benefit from it. It usually takes place on the last Friday in November. Afterwards everybody will put up their Christmas lights and start doing Christmas shopping.
Then there is also the 12 pubs of Christmas tradition where you have to visit 12 pubs in one evening and have a different drink at each of them. Everybody goes in groups and usually wears the same Christmas sweaters to build team spirit.
There are also beautiful Christmas markets everywhere. There are always warm food and warm wine to drive away the cold. It creates a wonderful atmosphere.
Do you still enjoy a traditional South African Christmas lunch or do you try out new dishes?
This year we are very blessed as we will have family with us for the first time in five years. They moved to Ireland earlier this year. For the first time we will also have a house full of children. We are planning on making it extra special this year. Just like the Irish people, we usually prepare a warm ham with vegetables. During the year we started trying out more of their traditional dishes such as Brussels sprouts with cowberries and bacon. We will always return to the things we know and enjoy, therefore we will have pumpkin fritters and warm malva pudding with our Christmas meal.
Are there beautiful Christmas lights in your neighbourhood or a new Christmas trend in your country?
When December arrives the Christmas lights are overwhelmingly beautiful. People decorate their whole house and garden with Christmas lights. Everybody expected there would be fewer Christmas lights due to the higher cost of electricity, but I think the Christmas lights was something everyone needed after a very difficult year.
Do you stick to the old traditional celebrations or have you found new ways of celebrating Christmas?
We have mostly adopted new traditions. Every year we wear funny Christmas sweaters and share in the fun. Our daughter is two and she also really enjoys the elf on the shelf. She adores the lights and gets so excited about everything that is happening around her. It is a lot of fun to see all these things from a new perspective.
We enjoy experiencing the Christmas markets in other countries as well. We usually go to their big Christmas markets. This year we went to Italy. It was an unbelievable experience – their Christmas markets are beautiful.
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Do you live abroad or have you recently returned from abroad? You can also write to us. Send an email to wereldwyd@afriforum.co.za and we will send you questions you can answer.
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