Nature’s Corner – Jacanas and other waterbirds
The hunt is on … look at the skills of the African jacana (Actophilornis africanus) and the lesser jacana (Microparra capensis) at Lake Panic, not far from Skukuza in the Kruger National Park. A black crake (Zapornia flavirostra) and a green-backed heron can also be seen. “Green-backed heron” is a collective term used for herons that sometimes feature green plumage. They were once believed to be a single species, Butorides striata, but are now treated as three different species.
The footage has once again been provided by Katie and André of Two-V Productions. We thank them for their great videos. Please subscribe to their YouTube channel and follow their Facebook page. Books in their Op Vlerke series can be ordered from Kraal Uitgewers. Number four in the series will be available soon. The books are published in Afrikaans only.