Nature’s Corner – What sound does a giraffe make?
South of Satara in the Kruger National Park, a male giraffe spars with two youngsters to prepare them for adult life. The smaller one participates eagerly, while the other one watches and only joins in now and then. Near the end of the video (at 3 minutes and 12 seconds from the start) one can hear the big giraffe snort ‒ see the movement of his ribcage. In the wild, giraffes can live up to 25 years, but in captivity even for 28 years or more.
The footage was provided by Katie and André of Two-V Productions. Subscribe to their YouTube channel and follow their Facebook page please. Books in their Op Vlerke series can be ordered from Kraal Uitgewers. The books, which are only available in Afrikaans, can also be found at shops in rest camps of the Kruger National Park.
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