Nature’s Corner – Hippo at the bridge across the Olifants River
A hippopotamus grazes at the bridge across the Olifants River in the Kruger National Park.
Hippos are the second largest land animals on earth after elephants. Bulls can weigh up to 3 200 kilograms. Most of the time they graze at night and they can consume up to 35 kilograms of plant material in a single night!
Their skin is quite sensitive and sometimes it seems as if they are literally sweating blood, but do not worry, the oily red liquid they secrete is their natural protection against dehydration and the sun.
They can grow up to 40 years in the wild and 50 years in captivity.
The footage has once again been provided by Katie and André of Two-V Productions. We thank them for their great videos. Please subscribe to their YouTube channel and follow their Facebook page. Books in their Op Vlerke series can be ordered from Kraal Uitgewers. Number four in the series is available now! The books are published in Afrikaans only.