The improved AfriForum Worldwide’s World Guide – one-of-a-kind and now even better
By Sue-Ann de Wet
AfriForum Worldwide will soon welcome visitors with an improved World Guide. It is a popular space where South Africans can feel at home abroad and get information about events and interesting things relating to South Africa.
AfriForum Worldwide is a comprehensive platform which is a contact point for many South Africans who currently work and/or live abroad and still want to stay connected with their country of birth.
AfriForum Worldwide’s World Guide is where South African businesses from all over the world come together to form a community. This way they become part of this wonderful networking opportunity.
The World Guide makes the world a little smaller, but your network bigger. Businesses from all over the world can be located on the World Guide. Here you can find doctors, lawyers, financial advisors, hairdressers and many more who can offer their services in Afrikaans. However, the World Guide is not only for Afrikaans businesses, but also for English businesses whose services are also available in Afrikaans. The World Guide will come in handy even if you just travel overseas – information about embassies, guest houses, restaurants and pharmacies are at your fingertips.
There was a need for a more user friendly and interactive guide, and South African small or large businesses abroad can list themselves on the World Guide for free. The World Guide boasts forty categories of businesses and service providers across the world.
You as business owner can now have your own profile where you can sign in and make changes as your business changes and grows.
It is as easy as 1,2,3 … guide yourself!
- Create a profile.
- List your business.
- Get more exposure.
Feel at home – your language, your people, your network!
Feel at home – your language, your people, your network!
On AfriForum Worldwide’s World Guide you not only become part of a business network, it is also a valuable way of building a support network for those days when you miss home too much and everyone is just too far away.
Help your business to grow, use this link and make sure your business is listed on Worldwide’s World Guide:
We want to know where you do your shopping, who you talk to and what your network abroad looks like. Let us know at