The Solidarity Movement revealed comprehensive plans today to fight the corona virus (COVID-19). The Movement also made an offer to government to work together in limiting the spread of the virus and soften the impact of drastic measures.
One of AfriForum’s most important focuses in helping members in these times is the protection of businesses. Worldwide, an initiative of AfriForum, has been offering an online home for South Africans who have settled abroad and wants to play a role in the action plan #OurCoronaPlan.
Help in tracking down people
AfriForum Safety offered to support the National Disaster Centre with tracking people. If people abroad struggle to find friends or family in South Africa, and worry that they may be sick, Worldwide will make enquiries via AfriForum’s branches.
Economic activity
We have compiled complete plans to keep the economy functioning.
Small businesses abroad enjoy the same services from Worldwide. We therefore encourage South African expats to support businesses of other South Africans in their areas.
We welcome feedback from business owners and wants to know what plans you have made to financially survive this period. Worldwide wants to encourage other business owners to inform us of businesses and service providers in a bid to grow the World Guide. Become part of the Worldwide family and list your business on our free online World Guide.
You can locate South African businesses, restaurants, products and services abroad with a few clicks on the one-and-only World Guide. The guide attempts to help people who are adjusting to life abroad in meeting other South Africans, while simultaneously supporting their businesses.
We want to know where you buy, with who you talk and what your network abroad looks like.
List your business here, or email