AfriForum stands up against EFF’s “Kill the Boer” chant in Supreme Court of Appeal
The civil rights organisation AfriForum is in the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein today to appeal the Equality Court’s finding that the “Kill the Boer” chant is not hate speech. AfriForum’s stance is that the song is a clear-cut example of hate speech and that it endangers the farmers of South Africa.
On 17 August 2023 a couple from Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal were attacked on their farm. They were seriously assaulted while their attackers shouted, “Kill the Boer, kill the farmer”. The female victim was stabbed with a spear, but the couple luckily survived the attack. Thanks to the quick response of the local farming community and civilian security structures, six suspects, including those in the getaway vehicle, were apprehended. This recent brutal attack proves the seriousness of AfriForum’s fight in court against “Kill the Boer”.
Kallie Kriel, CEO of AfriForum, says that this week’s court case forms part of AfriForum’s three-pronged strategy to oppose Malema’s extremist, hateful and dangerous rhetoric, namely, through legal actions, the mobilization and expansion of community safety structures and the promotion of mutual recognition and respect between cultural communities.
“It’s troubling that there are still people out there making excuses for the hateful ‘Kill the Boer’ chant. It is evident however that public opinion has started to shift drastically against thugs like the EFF and their encouragement of lawlessness, hatred, and violence. It’s encouraging to see every decent South African standing with AfriForum in this fight,” Kriel concludes.
AfriForum encourages the public to show their support for the fight against Malema’s hate speech at
Support the court case by making a contribution to AfriForum’s legal expenses. Click here.