
Weekend Thinking: What can others gather from our behaviour?

| By Wian

I sometimes sit in coffee shops watching people coming and going. The stories they portray could become best-sellers if reduced to writing. I am often struck by the lack of driven body language I see. Are we leading by setting an example?

Do we realise what others read in us when we are not looking? There is much truth in the adage that children learn by what you do and not by what you say. Recently, I spoke to Mia Kruger of Kruger International and I was impressed when she frankly said one of their major selling points was that they never invest other people’s money where they would not invest their own money. As a company, they like to lead and at the same time to set an example.

Kruger International stick to their set of investment rules. In fact, Mia continued her studies in Financial Behaviour, and we all know that the impact that money has on a person’s emotions is one of the most powerful ways to determine a person’s identity.

Do we realise that, collectively, our behaviour has an effect on our psyche of a positive society? The success of a thoroughly sound society lies in our adaptability. Is our behaviour such that we are prepared to set the example?


Listen to my latest interview with Mia Kruger of Kruger International HERE.

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