AfriForum Worldwide’s World Guide is where South African businesses from all over the world come together to form a community. This way they become part of this wonderful networking opportunity.
The World Guide makes the world a little smaller, but your network bigger. Businesses from all over the world can be located on the World Guide. The World Guide will come in handy even if you just travel overseas – information about embassies, guesthouses, restaurants and pharmacies are at your fingertips.
The World Guide boasts 40 categories of businesses and service providers across the world. This month, we focus on organisations in the marketing and communication category in our network that you can support.
Ipixel Web and Graphic Solutions

Ipixel is the brainchild of designer Anèl Müller, originally from South Africa but who now resides in Tauranga, New Zealand. Ipixel has creative collaborators all over New Zealand and South Africa.
We develop user-friendly, content-driven, functional websites, social media marketing tools and any other print design reflecting your company’s identity and essence, adding the necessary elements to distinguish yourself from your competitors. Read more.
Compton Content Care

We care that it is your vision. Your vision becomes OUR vision. How and what we do is ALL aligned with achieving your vision.
We care that it is your idea. We nurture your idea to deliver the outcomes you seek to achieve with your audiences.
We care that it is your brand. Your brand becomes OUR brand. We are invested in your success. Read more.
Paul Esteves

When I was a teenager, my church needed someone to do some video-editing for some camps they were doing. So, I taught myself how to edit in Final Cut 7. I loved it! So, I kept doing it, learning and trying new things.
From this point on I worked at various broadcasters as an editor, camera operator, photographer and photo editor.
During this time, I was introduced to motion design, and I fell in love. So, I taught myself After Effects first. The spark quickly continued, and I learnt Cinema4d, Substance Painter and most recently Houdini. Read more.
Write Array

I am a copywriter who specialises in social media, blog articles and websites.
I also translate between English and Afrikaans.
I help compile CVs for vir employment seekers in Australia. Read more.

I like to share positive tourism stories as I go.
Please contact Claire for your freelance PR requirements.
I have more than 20 years’ experience and media/tourism contacts – without the running costs of a London-based agency. Read more.
On AfriForum Worldwide’s World Guide you not only become part of a business network, it is also a valuable way of building a support network for those days when you miss home too much and everyone is just too far away.
Help your business to grow, use this link and make sure your business is listed on Worldwide’s World Guide.
Also read: World Guide in focus: Bakery and catering
We want to know where you do your shopping, who you talk to and what your network abroad looks like.
Do you perhaps own a business in marketing and communication sector abroad? Let us know at
Photo: Krakenimages/ Unsplash
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