Herewith the latest AfriForum Worldwide Spotlight. This newsletter contains news pertinent to South Africans living abroad, but also interesting inserts from people living all over the globe. Feel free to forward this newsletter. Anybody can sign up for free.
The most popular articles:

Protect your liver at a work function – the foreigner’s guide to survival in Poland
The worst way to offend a Pole is to decline a glass of vodka. And they are such a happy bunch that I would never have the heart to do so, anyway – even though I don’t like vodka. (Hush! Don’t tell anyone; I may lose my resident’s permit!)

Emigration is not easy – Tips to adjust to your new surroundings
Here are some tips for South Africans abroad to adjust to their new surroundings:
We are all aware of the emotional rollercoaster associated with emigration. One of the strongest emotions is a sense of loneliness. To feel that you’re alone among strangers in a foreign country can take its toll, but there are ways to overcome the initial loneliness. Here are some tips.

Afrikaners and the international community – the wheels are turning
This second phase entails us convincing people who are already informed and who are already worried to take a public stand on what is happening in South Africa and to show publicly that they are friends of the Afrikaners. Taking a stand in public already helps, but we can do even more, such as applying diplomatic pressure in case of issues like the protection of property rights.
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